Our Barristers

Mark H.K. Leung

Call: 2018 (HK)


Bachelor of Social Sciences (Government and Laws), HKU; LLB, HKU; PCLL, HKU

Professional Background

Barrister-At-Law (2018 – present)


English, Cantonese, Putonghua


Mark is actively engaged in criminal, matrimonial and personal injuries cases. Moreover, Mark has experience in handling cases probate, commercial disputes and company cases, with practice covering advisory and advocacy work. 

Prior to coming to the bar, Mark obtained his Government & Laws (Social Sciences) degree and LLB degree at University of Hong Kong, where he also completed PCLL. He worked at the HKSAR Government as executive officer as well as district affairs as assistant to district councillor. 

Outside of his practice, Mark is devoted to educational and social contribution. Other than free legal advice schemes he actively partakes, Mark has been a coach of “Mock Trial - Justice Education Project” organised by The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention. 

Mark pledges himself to striving for clients’ interest with knowledge, efficiency and conscience: fiat justitia ruat caelum.

Recent / Selected case

Criminal Law

Mark has wide experience of criminal cases, including commercial crime, serious traffic offence, offence against person and other areas. Also, he has experience in representing defendant in disciplinary tribunal for civil servants. Selected trial cases include: 

  • HKSAR v Chan Chin Hong (HCCC 17/2019) : As junior counsel in the case, Mark represented the defendant who was acquitted of attempted rape. For indecent assault found guilty by jury, the defendant was sentenced to a probation order. 
  • HKSAR v Lee Sin Wa (WKCC 1323/2020) : As junior counsel in the case, Mark represented the defendant public servant, who was acquitted of all 5 charges of soliciting and/or accepting advantage, contrary to s.4 of Prevention of Bribery Ordinance. 
  • HKSAR v Sze Tak Loy (HCCP 115/2021) : The Respondent, represented by Mark in magistracy’s (widely known as “47 democrats” case (WKCC 813/2021), successfully resisted review of bail decision by the DOJ in the High Court.


Mark has experience in conducting mitigation on behalf of the defendant in a wide range of cases in different levels of court. 

  • 香港特別行政區 訴 陳諾燊 [2021] HKDC 1507: case of possession of child pornography
  • HKSAR v Yau Kin Pong [2023] HKDC 1479 : case of 7 counts of fraud / attempted fraud

Plea Bargaining 

Mark has experience in conducting plea bargaining for clients with the Department of Justice in a wide range of cases.

  • HKSAR v Yip Chi Tat (KTCC 742/2022): the defendant, represented by Mark, faced 2 charges in relation to using fake "Leave Home Safe" app was agreed by the Department of Justice to dispose of the case by way of ONE binding over order. News coverage of the case sees HERE

Matrimonial Law

  • Mark is regularly instructed to handle family cases in relation to both ancillary relief and children matters. 
  • Latest case: 王 對 謝 [2024] HKFC 88

Personal Injuries Action 

  • Mark is regularly instructed by claimants as well as defendants in personal injuries action. 
  • Mark also conducts advisory work on cases arising from traffic accidents, workplace incidents and other circumstances.

Other Civil Area 

  • Ng Yiu Chu Administratrix of The Estate of Cheng Han Chi v Cheng Lung Yau [2023] HKDC 1240: Mark represented the administratrix of an estate against the beneficiary of the estate concerning a property dispute. The Court granted the application of the administratrix of the estate.  
  • Wong Chak Ming by his natural sister and next friend, Wong Chak Ying 對 張記環保有限公司 [2024] HKDC 719: Mark represented the plaintiff employee (a mentally challenged person) in successful claim against his former employer in a labour dispute concerning unpaid overtime compensation and other damages.
